Notice of Elections TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the South Weber Water Improvement District of Davis County, Utah.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the South Weber Water Improvement District will have 2 Board of Director positions to be voted on in the upcoming 2023 Municipal Election. It is anticipated that the Directors elected will each serve a 4-year term on the Board.
Constitutional and Statutory qualifications requirements for candidacy:
•Registered voter in the district
•Not convicted of a felony
Eligible electors of the South Weber Water Improvement District interested in serving on the board of directors may declare their candidacy by contacting the District’s Designated Election Official by phone or email (listed below) between June 1st and June 7th, 2023. Designated Election Official Wendy Dahl Phone: 801-475-4749 Email: southweberwater@gmail.com
and Certification of Results
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN pursuant to Utah Code 17B-11-306(4) and 20A-1-206(3) and
(4), notice is hereby given that the election for two members of the Board of Trustees for the South Weber Water Improvement District ("SWWID"), scheduled for November 21, 2023 has been cancelled pursuant to on SWWID Resolution #69, a copy of which may be viewed at https://southweberwater.com
Three qualified residents timely filed declarations of candidacy for the two Trustee positions subject to the election and no residents timely filed declarations to run as write-in candidates for the positions. Since one candidate, Cindi Mansell, requested to be withdrawn from the election and there are no other contested proposals existing to require an election, the Board of Trustees determined, pursuant to Utah Code, to cancel the election and to declare and certify the two unopposed candidates for the two open positions on the Board of Trustees, Jeff Monroe, and Darren Hess, are deemed to be elected with terms to begin on January 1, 2024.
Wendy Dahl - Deputy Election Clerk South Weber Water Improvement District